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Sussex Forest Activities- Forest Activity Sessions August 2020

In line with the government announcement on the 1st of July we are going to offer activity sessions through the month of August. These sessions will be for children aged 5 attained to 12.  They will run from 9.30 to 2.30 for group Red and 10.00 to 3.00 for group Blue.  These will be unaccompanied sessions.


The following details outline how we plan to observe the government guildelines to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children and staff. We ask you to read through this document carefully.  If you should have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.   07475 770949

Below you will find the Government infection control measures and our proposed procedures to mitigate those risks


"cleaning hands more often than usual – wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and soap or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered"

Children will be supervised during handwashing on arrival  bringing their own hand towel in a sealed, named bag.

Children will be supervised during the distribution of hand sanitiser mid morning

Children will be supervised during handwashing just before and after lunch

Children will be supervised during the distribution of hand sanitiser mid afternoon

Children will be supervised during handwashing just before collection




 "ensuring good respiratory hygiene – promote the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach"

Leaders will explain why we are being so careful about germs and demonstrate how they can be spread through contact using mud to illustrate.  Each camp will have a bin for rubbish and tissues etc Each camp to have it’s own First Aid kits, Fire Safety Equipment etc. There will be no kit sharing between the two sides of the site.

"cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using standard products, such as detergents and anti-bacterial soaps"

Each team will have clean sheets for den building each day

Ropes, fire lighting equipment, tyres, cones etc will all be disinfected between sessions

Toilets and sinks will be cleaned before the session, at lunch time and at the end of the session

"minimising contact and mixing by altering, as much as possible, the environment and timetables (ie. staggered break times) "

The site will be divided into two, by the drainage ditch and barrier marking tape.  There will be a team of 14 children, one youth leader and two adults on each side of the ditch.  The teams will remain separate all day.

The two groups will arrive at and leave the session half an hour apart.

One toilet block will be for the red group and the other for the Blue.  The urinals will be sectioned off and not used at all.


The separate toilet at the back of the ladies will be for adults only

On arrival and collection parents will be asked to remain in their cars. On arrival a member of the SFA team, will take the temperature of the children attending and help them from the car and see them to their group leader. The two groups will be welcomed at either end of the car park.  This will work in reverse on collection.

"minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have Coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend childcare settings, schools or colleges "


Parents will be advised at the time of booking that they should not book a child if they themselves have symptoms, or have someone in their household who does. See note below re attendance

All children will have their temperature taken on arrival and will not be allowed to attend the session if they are found to have a temperature.

If a child becomes ill during the day the site leader will take the child away from the group and wait with them until they are collected by their parent/carer. 

ATTENDANCE:   Please be responsible when making a decision about bringing your child. 

Attendance on the day is subject to the child being virus-free, as far as it is practicable to be sure. To this end we ask parents to NOT bring their child if they:

  • show any symptoms of COVID-19 on the day

  • show any symptoms within 7 days prior to attending

  • are living with an individual who has shown symptoms within 14 days before the date of their attendance (they and you should be self-isolating as per government guidelines)

  • Children who are obviously unwell or accompanied by an Adult or Sibling who are obviously unwell will not be accepted by the session leader. 

  • Shielded and clinically vulnerable children and adults. Children and adults in these categories should not attend clubs, and we make it clear in our communications with parents that if their children or any member of their household is shielding or clinically vulnerable, then they should not attend.

TRANSPORT: Avoid public transport if possible. If you must use public transport, follow the government guidelines on safe travelling.


GROUP BUBBLES OF UP TO 15 CHILDREN:  We are operating the Group Bubble system which will include a maximum of 15 children. Our Group Bubbles will remain consistent each day and will avoid mixing with other groups.   The groups will be kept entirely separate all day. In addition, thorough hand washing will take place before and after lunch and at intervals throughout the day.

SIGN IN:  When you drive into the car park you will be shown to the drop off point.  Please do not get out of your car.  A member of SFA will check your child’s temperature with a non contact thermometer.  They will not be able to attend the session if they are registering a temperature.  Before the event you will be sent via email a parental consent form, emergency contact form, a trauma disclosure and a Covid 19 declaration form.  You will be asked for these on your arrival.

Once we have shown your child to their group, please leave the car park, and we would ask that you turn left onto the lane and follow the road under the bridge.


Your child  needs to bring a plastic bag with their own clean hand towel in it, for their personal use throughout the day.  If you have forgotten a drinks bottle, there will be some on site for you to purchase on the day.  However, please note that we will NOT be able to offer your child any food whilst they are will us.  The only exception will be toasted marshmallows on disposable skewers.


MEDICATION  If your child needs to be given medication on the day please let us know in advance of the session, but we would be very happy to assist with this.


HYGIENE PROCEDURES:  The current science on the transmission on Coronavirus indicates that transmission is greatly reduced outside.   We have introduced the below hygiene procedures into our day plans, to provide extra security against transmission.  The children will have these procedures explained to them at the beginning of the day.


  • Social Distancing & Contact  It is clearly difficult or impossible in some circumstances to maintain a 1m distance between primary age children.  Any games or activities that involve touching or holding hands will be adapted to avoid physical contact.   Children will be spaced out while engaged in social actions (such as eating, intro talks or crafting) to maximise the distance between them.  We will not be carrying children’s bags or other possessions during the day, and we will keep contact with children’s food to an absolute minimum so PLEASE send them with food/packets that they can open!

  • Handwashing Everyone will be required to wash hands regularly throughout the day. Hand washing will be supervised by leaders to ensure children are washing thoroughly and for 20 second minimum. 

  • Disposable tissues We will have tissues on hand and encourage children to comply with the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ advise

  • Hand Sanitiser will be available as required on site.

  •  Masks The UK government guidance on masks says: “Wearing a face covering or face mask in schools or other education settings is not recommended.  Schools and other education or childcare settings should therefore not require staff, children and learners to wear face coverings. Changing habits, cleaning and hygiene are effective measures in controlling the spread of the virus.”   We will have facemasks on site for any close contact/first aid required.

  • Cleaning and equipment:    Any equipment and surfaces used during a day session will be disinfected, washed and cleaned thoroughly before the next session. 


SIGN OUT:   The club leader will have set up a visual guide to indicate where the queue should start for pick up.  The children will be ready with their bags at 2.30 or 3pm.  Please drive into the car park as you did in the morning and your child will be bought to you.  We would ask you to secure your children quickly and move out of the car park.  We will make sure that they have had a chance to go to the toilet before you collect.


AFTER THE DAY:  If your child or any member of their family group develops symptoms of COVID-19 within 2 weeks of their visit to us please contact us .

If you have any additional concerns or questions about your day with us please ensure you contact us via phone or email before your session so we can discuss any concerns in advance thereby minimising time spent face to face with our team of leaders on site.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation during these unprecedented times.  

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